Greece and Rome

When thinking about Architecture we think of all the planning that goes into it and the fact you need a architect to do all the drawings. But what about before architects where a thing. If we look back on the architecture built in Greece and Rome for example there was architecture that has been built with out architects. Architecture can illustrate the extent of someone’s wealth and power for example the bigger the structure the more wealth and power it shows that you had. 

It’s interesting when you look at architecture sometimes it just looks perfect and beautiful to the eye. This actually has been mathematically worked out to be beautiful. It’s called the golden ratio.


 José Miguel Hernández Hernández/Getty Images

When watching the lecture I found it really interesting about entasis about how more detailed the design work became over time but the starting shape had the same principles where even if you upscale or down scale a entasis should be able to divide them into a equal 3 parts. This was something I didn’t realise would make a big affect on a column but actually if the per portions aren’t correct to the eye they would look as beautiful as they can do. 

